
BioLab Lisboa his here

The past 13th of January was a big day for our innovative ecosystem: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, FCiências.ID and Faculdade de Ciências da ULisboa officially launched BioLab Lisboa, a multidisciplinary and open innovation ecosystem centered on the biological and biotechnological potential of the capital. BioLab Lisboa is located on the council’s Fab Lab Lisboa, a public laboratory that like BioLab is open to all citizens and promotes experimentation, prototyping and co-creation. BioLab Lisboa will promote training, capacitation, experimentation, prototyping, proof-of-concept, acceleration and business creation in Biotechnology, namely through biofabrication, bioproduction and biological systems engineering.


This new initiative will have an active role in promoting new activities and networks, such as Rede Bio Lisboa, a multistakeholder structure aimed at connecting value and knowledge chains in the country’s capital, involving citizens, high schools, higher education institutions, and public and private entities in the co-creation of new concepts for the city.


Credits: ACI Ciências ULisboa
Credits: ACI Ciências ULisboa

BioLab will be actively promoting other activities such as open days and an ambitious programme of workshops that started with great success on the past 18th January with a session of bioplastics. There are also plans for calls for projects open to high school students and to higher education students.

Tec Labs will have a close-knit relationship with BioLab Lisboa, so expect news briefly!

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