
BridgeHead matchmaking event | 2022

For the fourth year in a row, Tec Labs participated at the Matchmaking of the BridgeHead programme.

The BridgeHead programme joins European healthcare startups and CATalysers (incubators and accelerators from several European countries), who together define the best partner and country to implement their internationalisation plan.

As part of this program, we have been working with two startups: Marsi Bionics (Spain) and SurgiQ (Italy)

This week (31 of May to June 3, 2022) was the BridgeHead Europe track and the matchmaking event. Every year starts with experience sharing from the CATlysers, but this year was different, as startups were the starts of the first day. All of them had 3 minute to pitch their solution and mention the market they want to tackle (European countries or other countries outside Europe).

The second day was dedicated to the CATalysers, who also had to make a 3-minute pitch about their work and the services that can be provided to the finalist startups.

On June 2 and 3, was the moment of 1:1 meetings, where startups and CATs could to get to know each other a little more and explore opportunities of collaboration. We had the opportunity to meet a couple of startups interested in the Portuguese market and it was a pleasure to meet them. Let’s hope they chose Portugal.

Once again, we had the support of our partner David Magbolé from LabToMarket, who helps us with the work that we have with the startups.

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