
Highlights of the 1st edition of Innovation Tours

On 24th of June, we kicked-off our newest event – Innovation Tours – to close relationships between our R&D Departments and innovation projects, and the business world.

On the first edition, we headed to Hospital da Luz, a member of the Luz Saúde Group, a private healthcare provider and leader of a consortium that has in place one of the 30 Test Beds financed by the Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (the Intelligent Health Platform).

The visit included a brief presentation of the Test Bed and its main purpose – providing a safe space for startups and SMEs to test new products and hopefully evolve their TRLs.

At the same time, our reseachers and students conducting applied research in the healthcare field had the time to explain their projects and how initiatives like the IHP would be beneficial for the conduction of ongoing experiments and further explore collaborative work.

The Intelligent Health Platform divides itself into 3 main Departments: In Silico Lab, Simulation Lab and, Living Lab, and, we got the chance to visit the second one, which replicates all hospital areas: from delivery rooms to the OR and the emergency room.


We hope everyone enjoyed and connections were made 🙏🏼

Stay tuned for the next Innovation Tours edition😉








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