
Tec Labs participation in the Ulisses project

On the 22nd of September we had the pleasure to participate in the organisation of the Kick-Off Event of “We Unite! Startups”, a series of events with key-notes from cross-industry sectors organised by four partners of the UNITE! partnership: University Network for Innovation, Technology & Engineering: apart from ULisboa, represented by us, we had KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Aalto University and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC). More than 30 representatives from various companies attended this event, making it a success!

After a presentation by Josep Bordonau from UPC, Daniel Gassmann, from the European Commission, was the key-note speaker for this kick-off event and talked about new opportunities in cross-industry sectors. We then had a round table centered on the four local ecosystems, with Startup Portugal representing our own.



Before a final networking moment, we divided the attendees between two breakout rooms, one dedicated to the North of Europe and the other to the South.

The first sector-specific event will take place on the 27th October, concerning Health, and will be organised by Tec Labs representing ULisboa.

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