QPLAB was awarded the Gazela Company 2023 recognition, and we couldn’t be more proud!
The Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro, I.P. (CCDRC, I.P.) has, for the twelfth consecutive year, identified the “Gazela” companies in the Portuguese Central Region for 2023, based on economic information available for 2022. The internationally recognized concept of a “gazelle” company refers to young companies (aged five years or less at the start of the observation period) with sustained high growth rates over time. These are innovative organizations capable of differentiating themselves in the markets, where they assert their competitiveness and achieve success at an accelerated pace, significantly contributing to job creation. These companies represent a small percentage of the business universe, but each one plays a crucial role in the employment and wealth dynamics they generate in the region. They exhibit very high growth rates (above 20.0% per year) and significant job creation, even in an adverse economic context.

Thus, the Tec Labs community ought to feel both excited and proud to see one of its companies achieving this significant milestone.
In the words of Mafalda Quinto, CEO at QPLAB: “Sometimes we are so focused on what we haven’t yet achieved that we don’t appreciate what we’ve accomplished and this award reminds us of that.”
We’re truly inspired by the dynamism and active growth here displayed and recognized. Congratulations, QPLAB!