
Tec Labs was present at the ULisses Project!

The 3rd of July marked the Kick-off of the ULisses Project, a 3-week program for international multidisciplinary teams of students to work together and develop innovative techniques contributing to the solution of an important challenge raised by the sustainability of the Oceans.

The 3-week program was designed for the students to conduct their projects by having access to a network of mentors, field experts, and stakeholders guiding them in the right way. Besides working, students will also get the chance to immerse themselves in the Portuguese culture and environment, with visits to the Lisbon Oceanarium and the city of Sesimbra.


Tec Labs, as the Innovation Centre of Ciências, also played an important role on the first day of the program. We were responsible for a Team Building Session and a Design Thinking Workshop. During the Team Building Session, the participants stepped out of their comfort zone and broke the ice with their colleagues, featuring a series of quick games. As far as the Design Thinking Workshop is concerned, teams got the chance to be creative and faced a tower-building spaghetti challenge.


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