
Vawlt partners up with NOS

Big news for one of the spin-offs from Ciências: our incubee Vawlt Technologies just partnered up with NOS to develop and launch a Multicloud Storage service. This innovative product was designed to simplify processes and speed up the digital transformation of Portuguese companies. This service allows companies to store their information safely and simultaneously in three different and decentralised cloud services: AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure.



Ricardo Mendes, CEO and co-founder of Vawlt, said that “Vawlt focuses on helping companies in their digitization process, increasing the security and reliability standards of their data storage systems without compromising their focus on the business. We found in NOS the ideal partner to create this offer that will allow national companies to be at the forefront of technological transformation in a global panorama”. On the other side, Manuel Ramalho Eanes, an executive administrator from NOS, said “[t]his new solution, pioneered in Portugal and resulting from a 100% national partnership, reinforces NOS objective in leading and driving digital transformation. Cloud hosting responds to the main needs of the business sector and places the country at the technological forefront, making it able to exploit the full potential of the technologies of the future”.

NOS Multicloud Storage follows closely Vawlt’s product by offering three different monthly plans, hot, immutable and archival, depending on the client’s needs, and always with zero-knowledge end-to-end top of the art encription.

We congratulate this huge step for Vawlt and await new fruitful partnerships!

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