
New year, exciting new challenges for Vawlt Technologies

Vawlt Technologies has been following a truly exciting path since its first steps a few years ago. It has been treading the way of a true Ciências spin-off: from fundamental research involving teachers and students at Lasige to the creation of the company, in 2018, and now with the announcement of a new €550k round of investment by their original investors, Armilar Venture Partners, and two new investors: Shilling Capital Partners and Carlos Brazão, a former Cisco executive. This new round of investment was even covered by a full Eco piece.

This investment will, according to Vawlt’s press release, strenghten the company’s shareholder structure and its management team with investors and managers with proven international experience. This means that Vawlt is hiring!

Another novelty recently announced is Ricardo Mendes’ shift to new CEO of the company. It is already as a CEO that this former Ciências student and researcher speaks: “Vawlt is undoubtedly in a good moment and with great prospectives for the future. This investment further reinforces that. The whole team is just as enthused as it was on the first day, but now armed with more experience and insight. I am confident that our solution will be one of the most relevant to consider when moving data to the cloud. Our experience with Armilar has been excellent, and it is with great excitement that we now have Shilling Capital Partners and Carlos Brazão onboard. Their knowledge and expertise will surely help us overcome challenges and achieve our goals”.



The new investors are also thrilled with the possibilities of growth offered by this new round of investment. Carlos Brazão states that “Vawlt is at the forefront of the great transition to the cloud, enabling companies to accelerate this transition with enduring economic and security benefits. At the same time, it opens new cloud go-to market avenues to the ICT industry. Thus, Vawlt has everything to reach a prominent role in the global transition to the cloud and multi-cloud environments”.

As our readers may already know, Vawlt’s product is a Dynamic Storage Platform unique in how it enables companies to simplify data storage in multiple clouds with maximum security and reliability levels, as well as in an economically efficient way.

We will surely have more things to say about Vawlt’s growth in 2021! Stay tuned.

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