
We were at ‘Megatrends in Innovation Ecosystems’ Conference powered by IASP – our most recently joined network

By this point, you know that there’s no silly season for us at Tec Labs and so in August we formally joined IASP, a Global Network of Science and Technology Parks, Areas/Hubs of Innovation, and Incubators, among others.

Doing so is aligned with our efforts of learning best practices, navigating new trends that influence our activity, and meeting peers from all over the world with whom we can collaborate. So, we need to thank the IASP Board of Directors for accepting us!

We just joined IASP in time to join their 40th World Conference that took place in Luxembourg between 12 and 15 of September. The focus of this year’s Conference was on Megatrends in Innovation Ecosystems, and we wanted to highlight a few of our favorite moments:

  • The talk by Copenhagen Institute of Future Studies on the importance of looking at megatrends, combining them, and co-create ways to adapt our activity to the changes that are already here or just around the corner;
  • A great plenary session that provided different views on the challenges presented to innovation players such as talent access and retention, new models of physical space for innovators, new models of management, and sustainability, among others;
  • A breakout session focusing on urban innovation districts with great case studies and insights from Spain, The Netherlands and Australia;
  • A breakout session focused on globalization and internationalization support to startups with views from colleagues from Brazil, The Netherlands, and Sweden.

The networking moments were also a very rich part of this experience, and they assume a great dimension in a Network that counts members from 80 countries in the world. Overall, we couldn’t be happier to have joined IASP, with our participation in their World Conference and we are very much looking forward for the next year’s edition!




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