Welcome to the Tec Labs Team, Daniela Alves!
Tec Labs is excited to welcome Daniela Alves as the newest
Tec Labs is excited to welcome Daniela Alves as the newest
IMAGI Health, a Ciências ULisboa early-stage medtech startup, joined Lispolis Ignite
Tec Labs had the pleasure of participating in the Business &
For the fourth year in a row, Tec Labs participated at
A week after a great Networking Lunch, we had the opportunity to
The European Commission is financing two major programs in the Health
A spin-off from CIÊNCIAS, led by Professors Maria Helena Garcia and
Our team has been attending several webinars regarding new opportunities for
Horizon Europe (2021-2027), the long-awaited successor to Horizon 2020, EU’s Framework
A Portugal Ventures lançou no passado dia 4 de maio um novo instrumento de
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